Our Prayer Requests
Twice a month we share prayer requests to help our partners better engage in real-time with our prayer needs. We also share these updates to a private WhatsApp Community for easier access and distribution.
Updated 03-Feb-2025
Updated 03-Feb-2025
- A restful Chinese New Year celebration.
- Great meetings with the Indigitous global team in Singapore.
- Meaningful interactions in our community group and opportunities to support each other in times of need, such as welcoming newborn babies and addressing health emergencies.
- For the smooth processing of Russ’s visa.
- That God would provide the right organizations and causes for Meredith's team to support and that they would have a full workload.
- Wisdom in navigating significant opportunities in Ukraine, South Asia and Latin America for Indigitous.
- Wisdom in making schooling choices and exploring opportunities for Gwenyth.